Spontaneous Thursday #4



Ehem..esok wajib cari karipap dekat bazar..dah craving gila dekat karipap :D 

BTW..MentolPecah korang kool gila do !

4 Heart Beats:

Wanie said... [Reply to comment]

mentol pecah?huhu

femes kat youtube ke?
siap tak kenal g ni..

diorang buat video mintak permission makcik jual tu ke tak?huhu

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

kool sbb ade en aizad ke..haha

zuhanismohamed said... [Reply to comment]


baru nak up kot ni..hehe..

ehem..tak tahu..rasa nya xmintak kot..hisk

ezzu said... [Reply to comment]

sedapnye karipap yg dia mkn tu...rasa plak nk mkn..hehehe...kesian peniaga yg x menang tu..hehehe...